Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Finding my weak points

I put my Satriani transcription away, so I'm forced to not go any farther with Summer Song. To achieve my goal of jamming, I need to play good rhythm first.

I went and got my self a 2 CD set of the Clash from Costco. I decided to try "I fought the law". I went on Olga and peek at the chords, but not the transcription cause I want to work on ear training too. I used Audacity to remove the vocals and went about figuring out the rhythm section. I found the my strumming technique is very poor. I guess the heavy distortion has mask this part of my playing. I did pretty good with this song, but I need something slow to work out my righthand issues first.

I'll learn Jingle Bells tonight cause my daughter likes it and maybe I can get my son to sing along too. After that, I'll work on a very simplify version of Brown Eye Girl. I got this song from an online beginner class at

I also sign up for a group class next month. I won't find out if I get in until the end of the month. If not, I'll start up private lessons.


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