Friday, December 16, 2005

New Strumming Practice

I have a functional transcription of "I Fought the Law" until just before the sing along. Unfortunately, it's all in my head. I usually screw up the patterns when I try to put it on paper, so I won't. That's good enough for now and I'll concentrate on my strumming technique instead. I'm going to simplify the rhythm pattern for this song and slowly build it back up. Initially, I'll keep my right hand strumming at a 8th notes pace, up and down consistently. Even when no chords are being struck, my right hand will keep the same motion, but not touch the strings. Here are the steps.
1. Strum along with song. No chords and string muted.
2. When comfortable with above, strum with metronome. No chords and string muted.
3. Increase speed.
4. Same as 2, but with actual chords.
5. Increase speed.

Not sure yet how to scale this. Should I repeat this practice with 16th note pace, or learn to switch between 8th and 16th note pace? I'll probably learn to switch between 8th and 16th note pace, because when I get up to 32th notes, I'm not going to keep that pace for the whole song. That'll likely cause injuries.

The goal is to strum fluidIy and right on the beat. No idea how long this exercise will last. I'll probably do other stuff in between to keep from being bored.


Blogger AA said...

Hi Guitar Mack,

I found your site from the comment you left at my blog The Guitar Learner. I can't believe there are other people out there like me trying to re-learn the guitar!

I'm also interested in how you progress and I believe you have set yourself a really good learning plan. One observation I have made (and also something I have noticed in my re-training) is that we need to slow down and take our time and get things right. It is fustrating, because in the back of our minds we remember what we were capable of playing and you just expect the results to happen! Slowly over time, the skill and knowledge will return.

I've added your page to my blog's sidebar links and will be back to check on your progress. Good Luck!

Andrew T

10:21 PM  

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